Week 9 Term 4 2021

Mr Chris Bartlett
It is a bittersweet moment to add to my last Mater Dei newsletter. I trust you all are looking forward to a break from the daily routines of school life with many opportunities to strengthen family connections over the Christmas and New Year period.
Dan Wilson wrote a pub classic song called “Closing Time” and finishes the song with this line…. “Closing time, every new beginning, comes from some other beginning's end”. This quote actually came from a wealthy Roman writer who lived through the turn of time from AD to BC. Ironically he probably wrote this around the time Jesus walked the Earth! As I reflect on my new ventures in life, these words stay with me. They represent the gap between leading the school to “an ideal” and constantly considering “the reality”….peace & chaos; conflict & harmony; challenge & comfort; change & stagnation; opportunity & mischance. We see this dichotomy in all areas of life, so running a school is no different. My reflection is being grateful for this. My growth, as a person who is entrusted to guide schools, comes from operating in the extremes. Mater Dei has offered me the opportunity to be better at what I am entrusted to do. In this time, I have developed amazing friendships, worked with amazing colleagues and learned with the most amazing children. All of you, past and present from the last 10 years, hold a special place in my heart.
I sincerely wish Michael Ball many blessings as he takes over as principal and many blessings to our staff of 2022, as they continue to excel the “Illuminating Possibilities Learning” at our school. Best wishes to the exiting Yr 6 students who will shine their light in high school and the number of families and staff who will also leave Mater Dei at the end of this year. May you always remember your time here as fondly as I do.
Have a happy, holy Christmas with much joy for the new year.
All the best,
Chris B

Mrs Angela Martlew
Last Friday we held our Learning Excellence Awards ceremonies. A big congratulations to all recipients for achieving excellence this year.
Excellence in Learning the Mater Dei Way: This award is based on excellence in demonstrating the Mater Dei Dispositions.
Prep: Maggie Roux, Maggie Watson, Penelope Craggs, Abigail Preston, Harry Graham, Iyla Cubby, John MacManus, Patrick McKinnon, Norah Davenport.
Year 1: Rylee Phoenix, Sophia Hayes, Nara Willis. Bailey Edwards, Ella Schmidt, Clara Winterbotham, Elke Carroll, Lucy Hall, Lucy Colthup, Eli Jones, Camilla Davey, Mia Van Genderen, Grace Bradshaw, Layla McLoughlin, Linet Manibe, Spencer Jones, Annabelle Brown, Leo Giuffrida.
Year 2: Hudson Koschel,Abigail Webster, Zoe Powell, Maximus Westman, Angel Dias, Matilda Devey, William Johnston, Zara Dampney, Henry Pascoe, Patrick James, Jack Coonan, Everett Davenport.
Year 3: Flynn Moore, Maggie Carroll, Eve Nairn, Charlie Bradshaw, Mia Farrell, Alice Pattison, Benjamin Garratt, Cleo Beirne, Gabriella Dull, Harrison Kelk, Orlando Pascoe, Wyatt Jones, Lillian Brown, Hunter Dowling, Grace English, Grace Muller, Neve Oliver, Tara Shridhar. Adelaide Wilson.
Year 4: Makena Bennett, Lachlan Morison, Dominic Cavanagh, Xavier Bowdler, Meli Manibe, Patrick Doherty, Philippa Walker, Charli Singleton, Sophie Frame, Hailey Milligan, Reegan Shelton, Charlotte Werth.
Year 5: Ruby Bertolotti, Sienna Ryan, Charlotte James, Poppy Von Pein, Harry Suttor, Lewis Lamble, Lucy Mills, Claire Longmire, Edward Beverland, Erin Irvine, Charlie Lane, Charles Webster, Georgina Nunn, Daisy Egan, Charlotte MacManus, Sophie Hick, Rosemary Wilson, Madeline Lever, William Holzheimer .
Learning Excellence Awards for Achievement: This award is based on excellence in reported academic achievement.
Prep: Charles Tronc, David Rees, Lucy Rickuss, Amelia Henry.
Year 1: Hunter Campbell, Grace Bradshaw, Rylee Phoenix, Jethro Drummond, Sophia Hayes, Ella Stevenson, Nina Shridhar, George Troutman.
Year 2: Everett Davenport, Archer McConnel, Maximilian Bracey, Aiden Larter, Jack Spry, Matilda Devey, Oscar Rickuss, Patrick James, Zara Frame.
Year 3: Charlie Bradshaw, Gemma Enfantie, Blake Logan, Gemma Montgomery, Edward MacManus, Tara Shridhar, Adelaide Wilson.
Year 4: Lachlan Morison, Makena Bennett, Charlotte Werth, Mia-Rose Schwerin, Dominic Cavanagh, Francis Hay.
Year 5: Charlie Lane, Claire Longmire, Edward Beverland, Erin Irvine, Lucas Montgomery, Lucy Mills, Caleb Foster, Lou McDonagh, Sophie Hick, Rosemary Wilson.
Year 6: Ella Seeto, Isabel Biggs, Isabella Pearson, Evelyn Braund, Alexia Davey, Evangelina Pikramenos, Genevieve Hyde, Henrietta Cullin-Willy, Isabella Kentish, Tess McLean, Vivienne Pearse, Maeve Morison, Lusi Manibe.
Learning Excellence Award for Academic growth: This award acknowledges excellence in growth in academic achievement throughout the year.
Prep: Hamish Grady, Milla Staib, Ambrose Lowry, Lila Oliver, Maggie Roux, Samuel Weller, Lily Herbert, Abigail Preston, Regan Jenkinson, Eve Salomon, Harrison Sawtell, Eden Spry, Ellen Hann, Niamh O’Sullivan.
Year 1: Ella Schmidt, Jack Lambert, William Dau, Harrison Saunders, Charles Angus, Olivia Nairn, Ruby Coughlan, Katherine Nunn, Charlie Enfantie, Cooper Whitehall.
Year 2: Archer McConnel, Mumbi Bennett, James Primus, Matilda Devey, Braxton Morton, Nell Rennick.
Year 3: Mia Farrell, Myles Simbahan, Charlie Green, William Nunn, Orlando Pascoe, Chase Hoad, Hunter Dowling, Neve Oliver, Sophie White.
Year 4: Amelie Druce, Charli Singleton, Lily Waters, Xavier Bowdler, Mia-Rose Schwerin, Ava Collins, Max McLean, Sofia Ghidella, Alex Ebenestelli.
Year 5: Edward Beverland, Sophie Coonan, William Ehrlich, Lewis Lamble, Archie Rickuss, Cooper Selby, Harry Suttor, Madeline Lever
Year 6: Millie Goldsworthy, Maisie Goodman, Oscar Ghidella, Benjamin Litzow, Peter Yap, Sienna Logan, Olivia Saunders, Chloe Wright.
Learning Excellence Award for Leadership: This award, specifically for Year Six students, is based on the demonstration of exemplary leadership in Learning the Mater Dei Way.
- Aidan Day
- Alexia Davey
- Ella Seeto
- Evangelina Pikramenos
- Evelyn Braund
- Genevieve Hyde
- Henrietta Cullin-Willy
- Isabel Biggs
- Lusi Manibe
- Maisie Goodman
- Lola Newman

Reid Capp was a previous student at Mater Dei who had cancer, affecting the bone development in his leg. Reid has overcome significant barriers in his school life to participate fully and achieve in many fields. He left Mater Dei at the end of 2013 and his family left a legacy in thanks to the school community for assisting Reid through his primary schooling years. The Reid Capp award is for a student who is achieving despite hardship, displaying resilience and determination.
We congratulate Lillian Brown for being the Reid Capp award recipient for 2021.
During the week, we received the ICAS Writing results. While we have not yet received the certificates, we congratulate the following students for their outstanding results:
Year 3
Credit: Tara Shridhar, Gemma Enfantie.
Year 4
High Distinction: Lachlan Morison.
Distinction: Makena Bennett.
Credit: Charlie Singleton, Francis Hay, Mia-Rose Schwerin.
Year 5
Merit: Romy Wilson.
Year 6
Credit: Millie Goldsworthy.

Semester Two reports were emailed to families on Wednesday. Reports provide a summary of achievement against Australian Curriculum year level standards. We remind families that as well as considering the number of A, B, C grades attained, reports provide an excellent opportunity for parents and students to reflect on the learning journey undertaken in the second half of the year to:
- look for personal progress
- recognise the importance of effort and improvement
- focus on strengths and achievements
- consider growth of learning dispositions such as persistence
- set goals for future growth
We wish all our families a Happy and Holy Christmas season and hope you enjoy the blessings that the holidays bring. To those families moving on from our community, we thank you for the contribution you have made to our community and your engagement in your child’s learning.
Have a restful and peaceful break and we look forward to welcoming families back in 2022.

Ms Kathy Doherty
As we begin our waiting and hoping in Advent, preparing ourselves for the celebration of Christmas, we offer a blessing to all Mater Dei families on the completion of the 2021 school year.

- May there be harmony in all your relationships. May sharp words, envious thoughts, and hostile feelings be dissolved.
- May you give and receive love generously. May this love echo in your heart like the joy of the bells on Christmas morning.
- May each person who comes into your life be greeted as another Christ. May the honour given the baby of Bethlehem be that which you extend to every guest who enters your presence.
- May the hope of this sacred season settle in your soul. May it be a foundation of courage for you when times of distress occupy your inner land.
- May the wonder and awe that fills the eyes of children be awakened within you. May it lead you to renewed awareness and appreciation of whatever you too easily take for granted.
- May the bonds of love for one another be strengthened as you gather with your family and friends around the table of festivity and nourishment.
- May you daily open the gift of your life and be grateful for the hidden treasures it contains.
- May the coming year be one of good health for you. May you have energy and vitality. May you care well for your body, mind and spirit.
- May you keep your eye on the Star within you and trust this luminescent presence to guide and direct you each day.
- May you go often to the Bethlehem of your heart and visit the One who offers you peace. May you bring this peace into our world.
- And may you enter into 2022 with renewed spirit and energy, ready to face the challenges and joys of life as a community who value each other, education and our relationship with the Divine.
Christmas Mass will be celebrated in St Theresa’s Church at the following times:
- Christmas Eve Friday 24 December 6pm and 7.30pm.
- Christmas Day Saturday 25 December 8.30am
- Holy Family Sunday Mass 26 December 9.30am
Please note there is no Vigil Mass at 6pm on Christmas Day for Sunday
2nd Rite of Reconciliation Wednesday 15 December 6pm
Bookings are necessary for Christmas Masses through trybooking using either the link or the QR code below:

We were able to present a box of vouchers to the St Theresa’s St Vincent de Paul conference. Sr Robyn received the vouchers most appreciatively. A big thank you to Mrs Lloyd-Jones and the Service club for their work in promoting and collecting the vouchers.
Thank you from us, and from the people receiving your gifts.

Recently we had free-dress day in support of Catholic Missions and their Socktober initiative. We are very pleased to say that we raised $650 and this has been forwarded on to Catholic Missions to be sent to their focus education region in Thailand. Thank you to all the families who offered support.
Wed 8 Dec | School office closes |
Fri 17 Dec | TCKC Holiday care closes |
Sat 1 Jan | Principal duties are officially transferred |
Mon 10 Jan | TCKC Holiday care opens |
Mon 17 Jan | Office opens |
18 – 24 Jan | Professional Learning Days for staff |
Thu 20 Jan | Meet the teacher 2 – 3 pm |
Tue 25 Jan | First Day of school Yr 1 – 6 |
Prep staggered start | |
Wed 26 Jan | Aust Day Holiday |
Thu 27 Jan | Prep staggered start |
Fri 28 Jan | Prep first full day – all students |
As a result of the late movements from our staffing schedule, we have had to revise some of our class teacher and school officer placements. While this is not ideal, staffing is not always predictable, and we need to be flexible to accommodate change.
- Currently we have these positions advertised to be filled as soon as possible:
- Yr 4 class teacher
- PE teacher 4 days
- School Officers Admin (5 days admin & 3 days admin/OHS)
- School Officers Assisting Student Learning (Prep & classrooms)
- These positions have been advertised internally to Toowoomba Catholic Schools staff, with interviews planned for early next week.
- As soon as we have appointed new staff, we will advise the school community
We are so proud of our long term member of staff, Ciara Murphy, who announced this week that she has been accepted to study a Cert III in Business and will be taking a 9 month break from working with us. We wish Ciara all the best for her studies.


On Monday the younger students raced their hearts out in our annual junior swimming carnival. It was fantastic to see so many students competing, even though some were out of their comfort zone. A great display of the Mater Day Way! Special thanks to the past students, Abbie Mills, Emma Holzheimer, Abbie Pritchard, Sophie Lever and Isabel Longmire who came back to help on the day and assisted the younger students in their races. We saw some amazing swims in the competitive races and would like to congratulate the following 2021 age champions.
6 Years Boys | Johnny MacManus | 6 Years Girls | No age champion |
7 Years Boys | Annabelle Brown | 7 Years Girls | Thomas Montgomery |
8 Years Boys | Eden Cubby | 8 Years Girls | Charlie Beverland |
SENIOR SWIMMING CARNIVAL 2022 (students born 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 only)
This carnival will be held at Milne Bay on Tuesday 1st of February next year. We will be using the same system for nominating as last year – Microsoft Forms. Continuing this way of nominating allows students to complete the process at home with their parents, so a discussion can happen around what events they want to enter and their confidence in entering the event which avoids last minute changes to the program before the carnival. Please complete a new form for each child eligible to swim at the carnival.
Please remember the following notes when nominating:
- Students can swim in either a 50m or 25m event in each stroke – up to 4 events in total. A combination of 25m and 50m events across the strokes is fine. E.g. 50m Freestyle, 25m Breaststroke, 50m Backstroke and 25m Butterfly.
- Students who wish to be considered for age champion or selected in the school team must swim in the championship 50m events in each stroke.
- Students currently in Year 2 born in 2013 only need to nominate if they are competent in completing their chosen event, students not nominated will not attend the carnival in 2022. Please still complete the relevant section of the Microsoft Form so that this can be recorded.
- Please contact me danielle.king@twb.catholic.edu.au if you have any questions.
Microsoft Forms link to nominate:
Please see the attached flyer outlining the basketball camps occurring over the Christmas school holidays that students can sign up for and attend.
Students in Year 3 in next year will be participating in swimming lessons as part of their PE class. Please check your emails as information regarding the weeks we will swim next year and other relevant information was sent out this week. Swimming won’t start until the end of Term 2 next year; any questions can be directed to the new PE teacher next year.
As you are all aware by now, I will be taking next year off from my role at Mater Dei to welcome the arrival of my twin girls expected in January. I would like to sincerely thank everyone who has assisted in our schools sporting program over the past two years, your generous offer of your time was very much appreciated. I look forward to coming back after my time away with the twins and continuing to work with you all to deliver the great sporting opportunities that we have on offer for our students. I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe holiday period!

While the rain may have put a dampener on things outdoors, it didn't dampen our spirits! On Tuesday the students wore their Christmas accessories and sung carols together at school. Well done to everyone involved especially our Mater Dei Band and Ukulele group!
Merry Christmas everyone!

Is your child keen to learn a musical instrument?
Enrolment into our Instrumental Music Program for 2022 is now open! Simply click on the link below, read, fill in and submit. Once your enrolment has been received, we will contact you early in the new year to get lessons underway.
Due to popularity, we are offering lessons in: Guitar, Piano, Voice, Drums, Double Bass, Cello, Violin, Viola, Ukulele, Clarinet, Trumpet and Trombone.
A limited number of selected instruments are available for hire. Details and prices are outlined in the enrolment form.
For further information please contact Mrs. Rosier via email:
Coordinator of Instrumental Music